10AM Kennesaw Campus Spotlight Tour: Health & Physical Activity Leadership (HPAL) Program

Wednesday, November 15, 2023 10am to 12:30pm

Image of 10AM Kennesaw Campus Spotlight Tour: Health & Physical Activity Leadership (HPAL) Program

305 Hopkins Dr. NW Kennesaw, Ga 30144

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Your tour of the Kennesaw Campus includes a 30-minute information session that covers topics ranging from campus majors and programs, admission requirements, and financial aid information. The information session will be followed by a 60-minute walking tour of the Kennesaw Campus.

Join us to learn more about the new Health and Physical Activity Leadership program within the Department of Health Promotion and Physical Education at Kennesaw State University. You will have the opportunity to meet with a program representative, meet innovative and research-engaged professors, and experience what type of post-graduate opportunities lie before you as a HPAL major.  
After your tour, you are invited to meet with the new Health and Physical Activity Leadership program within the Department of Health Promotion and Physical Education. 
Are you interested in a career that combines children and adolescents, and physical activity? The new Health and Physical Activity Leadership (HPAL) Program includes three distinct options for pursuing a degree in health and physical activity-related fields- The Health and Physical Education Teacher Certificate, The Coaching, and The Youth Activity Leadership Concentration.

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