Monday, July 8, 2024 7am to 10pm
About this Event
Add to calendarJuly 15-18, 2024: The first 28-hour mediation training focuses on an understanding of themediation process, communication skills, problem-solving skills, agreement writing, andmediation ethics. Mediation skills are taught in a highly interactive format through shortlectures, group discussion, focused exercises, and coached role-play. The training meetsgeneral mediation training requirements for registration with the Georgia Office ofDispute Resolution (GODR). In addition, the training is approved for Continuing LegalEducation (CLE) hours (28 regular including 3 ethics) with the Georgia State Bar.
July 29-30, 2024: The 12-hour practicum will build upon the skills introduced during theGeneral Civil Mediation Training. It provides an opportunity for you to observe, reflect on,and discuss the practice of mediation. The Practicum may be taken in lieu of 5 real caseobservations with an experienced mediator in mediation for the Georgia Office of DisputeResolution registration purposes
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