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Join FLIGHT and the Department of Student Volunteerism & Service for a day of service for Flight28 students on Saturday, October 12th from 9am to 12pm! This year we will serve at the Chattahoochee Nature Center. Volunteers will assist with habitat restoration.

Registration Information: Each student must register for this event on GivePulse. Registration is required to participate in the Flight28 OwlsServe Day.

Transportation: Transportation will be provided. All students will be required to ride the SVS Big Owl Bus to and from campus.

Registration Deadline: The registration deadline is October 7th. There are no opportunities for walk-up registration.

Communications: Full details about the Flight28 OwlsServe Day will be sent to all registered participants on October 7th. If you have any questions in the meantime, please email

SVS is committed to providing accessible programming for all students. Please indicate any accommodations you need to participate in this event when registering.

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