860 Rossbacher Way Marietta, GA 30060

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You’re invited to celebrate the legacy and history of Southern Technical Institute and Southern Polytechnic State University at SPSU Hornets Homecoming.


Saturday, April 27, 2024

12:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M.

Marietta Student Center

Marietta, Georgia


Please join us for an afternoon of exploring new facilities and reconnecting with fellow alumni. A portion of each registration and all additional donations benefit the SPSU Alumni Society Legacy Scholarship.


Below you will be asked to select your preferences for demonstrations that will be held at our colleges. Preference is not guaranteed and is based on first come first serve and capacity.


Lastly, check out the link below to order exclusive Hornets Homecoming/SPSU Alumni Society gear that is only available for this years Hornets Homecoming! A portion of every order will go towards the SPSU Legacy Scholarship. Order as soon as possible to receive your gear before Hornets Homecoming!

Click here to register: https://bit.ly/HornetsHomecoming24

Click here to order exclusive Hornets Homecoming/SPSU Alumni Society gear: https://spsu.youralumniswag.com