About this Event
CETL Scholarly Teaching
Managing your Expert Blindspot to Enhance Presence and Clarity in the Online Classroom
Facilitator: Mandy McGrew
As a faculty member, you are an expert in your field, whereas your students are likely novices possibly learning about the topic for the first time. This disconnect between how we view our course content and how students experience it can create frustration for both teacher and learner, particularly in online courses. Considering the intricacies of knowledge building and organization can help to bridge this gap. In this interactive webinar, attendees will think critically about how they teach content and design online learning experiences in an attempt to determine where they might be making assumptions about students’ knowledge and skills. Participants will work individually and in breakout rooms to identify and work to overcome their expert blind spots.
Click here for more information and to register: https://facultydevelopment.kennesaw.edu/scholarly-teaching/events/2020-fall/managing-blindspot-online.php